Dozens of St. Mark’s musicians and choristers have earned recognition for their work through the Texas Private School Music Educators Association (TPSMEA) and Association of Texas Small School Bands (ATSSB).
“All of our students’ accomplishments are due to their diligent practice, dedication, and hard-earned talent," said Analisa Rodriguez, St. Mark’s Band Director. "I’m very proud of the disciplined musicians they are becoming and am proud to share in their accomplishments representing our school and band program.”
Throughout the winter, students traveled across the state, participating in concerts and clinics alongside other top student musicians.
"We are incredibly proud of our Upper School Choristers who participated in the TPSMEA All-Region and All-State Choirs this year," said Glenn Stroh, Organist and Choirmaster. "Their hard work and dedication were truly inspiring, and it was a joy to witness how they supported one another throughout the audition process. The boys selected were excellent representatives of St. Mark’s.”
"Earning a seat in and participating in an All-State ensemble is a testament to the effort our boys have chosen to focus on," Orchestra Director Sarah Choi added. "It is another opportunity for them to exhibit the qualities of leadership we aim to instill in them in all their chosen pursuits."
Congratulations to these outstanding musical Marksmen:
TPSMEA High School Region Orchestra
Eric Liu ’28 – principal 2nd violin
Nicholas Petrikas ’28
Collin Ku ’27 – principal cello
Holden Fritz ’28
TPSMEA Middle School Honor Orchestra
Trevor Hsu ’29
Nathan Aurora ’30
Nathan Liu ’29
Aaron Choi ’29 – principal 2nd violin
Michael Nguyen ’31
Taco Loeb ’29
Aiden Ji ’30
Caleb Zhang ’31
Nathan Kang ’31
TPSMEA North Region Honor Band (Upper School)
Neel Jain ’25
Eric Zhang ’26
Mihir Tare ’27
Oliver Geheb ’26
TPSMEA North Region Honor Band (Middle School)
David Xiao ’29
Elijah Lou ’30
Tony Allen ’31
Cyrus Saberan ’29
ATSSB All-Region Concert Band
Neel Jain ’25
Mihir Tare ’27
ATSSB All-Region Symphonic Band
Eric Zhang ’26
Jeremy Mau ’25
TPSMEA All-State Jazz Band
Jordan Envani ’28
TPSMEA All-State Concert Band
Neel Jain ’25
Eric Zhang ’26
Jeremy Mau ’25
Mihir Tare ’27
TPSMEA All-State Choir
Owen Ackerman ’25
Nathan Aldis ’26
Daniel Deng ’25 (2nd in State, Bass 2)
Surya Dinesh ’25
Nathaniel Hochman ’26
George Hoverman ’25
Andy Li ’26
Ian Lockard ’27
Mateen Mostafavipour ’26
Lukas Palys ’25 (1st in State, Bass 1)
TPSMEA All-Region Choir
Owen Ackerman ’25 (3rd in Region Tenor 2)
Samuel Aldis ’28
Nathan Aldis ’26
Paxton Allen ’28
Guru Aroul ’27
Sebastian Bank ’27
Dylan Bosita ’26
Luke Cathey ’27
Daniel Deng ’25 (1st in Region Bass 2)
Surya Dinesh ’25 (2nd in Region Bass 2)
Payton Elder ’27 (3rd in Region Tenor 1)
Kian Foshee ’26
Cooper Guiler ’26
Nathaniel Hochman ’26
George Hoverman ’25
Matthew Jordan ’25
Barrett Knetsch ’27
Andy Li ’26 (2nd in Region Bass 1)
Brendon Lin ’27 (1st in Region Tenor 1)
Ian Lockard ’27
William Loftus ’26
Charlie Mapes ’26
Mateen Mostafavipour ’26 (2nd in Region Tenor 2)
Lukas Palys ’25 (1st in Region Bass 1)
Will Thomson ’28
Jackson Williams ’25
Ethan Yau ’26